Cash for Cars Selling Tips

Selling Tips

Woe the Fate of SUV Owners Wishing to Sell

Many current sport-utility vehicle owners are coming to the realization that it’s not just high gas prices causing them a sting.

There are other reasons the SUV market is struggling, and at this point it is nearly impossible to sell any of them used.

Go ahead, try selling one.

Please Buy My SUV

Dodge Durango“A rude awakening at U.S. gas pumps is leading owners of large cars to another rude awakening as they try to sell their cars”, UPI reported July 2.
The bottom line is, the less the demand, the less the value.  And there is hardly a demand for buying a used sport utility vehicle. Read more

Ol’ Dependable – Reliability Key in Used Car Sales

When buying or selling a used car, you can discuss its nice paint job, upgraded tires and a nice stereo system all you want.

However we all know that in the end reliability is the name of the game, whether you want to buy a used car, or sell one.

Maintenance is Important

woman mechanic under a carOf course a big factor in the value of a vehicle is how well it has been maintained.

With patience any buyer can find documentation about maintenance, accidents and past repair work.

A savvy buyer will also ask probing questions and take a test drive so they can get a feel for the vehicle on city streets as well as the highway. Read more

Attention to Details Helps in Selling a Used Car

You finally solidified the decision to sell your used car on your own, so now’s the time to think about how best to complete the sale. 

You want the best price possible, as well as a seamless transaction. 

This means giving your vehicle some TLC, and getting your paperwork in order.

It’s Got to Be Clean

Women Washing CarFirst things first, make sure your used car looks good. Yes, you have to clean it completely. You have two options, do it yourself or pay someone else.

Pay Someone Else to Do It

If you don’t trust your own car-cleaning abilities or just feel lazy, it isn’t too costly to let someone else do it. Read more

How to Sell a Car on Craigslist

Need to sell a car on Craigslist?

If you must sell your car yourself, online communities like Craigslist are a good place to start. Here we will teach you the simple steps required to sell a car on Craigslist.

The process is easy and in a few short minutes your used car ad can be up and running, plus the ad is free and their site is popular enough to earn it decent traffic.

First step: check out the Craigslist site

Craigslist site

There is a localized page for almost every city you can imagine and that is where you need to start. Simply go to your favorite search engine and type in ‘Craigslist’ and the city in which you want to sell. Read more

The Ultimate List of Places to Sell Your Car

We’ll tell you where to go to sell your car

You have a car to sell and we want to help, beyond our own simple buying service there are plenty of places you can sell your car.

Here is a list of some of the best options for selling your car online, from web based communities like Craigslist and Ebay, to specialized vehicle services such as KBB and Autotrader.


Craigslist logo

If you are a do-it-yourself kind of person and want to sell your car online, Craigslist is a good option to start with. Sellers can place an ad for free on the website which is then viewed by anyone searching their classifieds for used cars. Read more

Internet car scams – pt. 1 Car buying scams

We all know that we must be aware when selling a vehicle, internet car buying scams are out there. Con artists will find an angle in any industry that involves large dollar signs.

Selling a car online is easier than doing it the old fashioned way, but because of the lack of physical contact with the other party it can be riskier too.

The Turley family saw through the scam

In Wayne, Arkansas Rickey Turley almost fell prey to one of these car buying scams. His father urged him to be cautious about the transaction and rightfully so because it could have gone very wrong. Read more

Selling a car and the California DMV

Selling a car in California and the California DMV can seem overwhelming, so many bases to cover. If you choose an online service like ours to sell your car, the paperwork is part of the deal, we handle the DMV for you.

If you choose to sell using another avenue, you are on your own.

DMV series
Here are some tips to help get you through it.

First things first, do you need a smog certificate?

When you sell a car, you must change the title to a new owner. When you do this through the DMV they will require proof of smog certification in the state of California unless your vehicle is: Read more

Always take it for a test drive

When you go to buy an automobile, new or used, the test drive is of the utmost importance. This should go without saying, however some are so concerned with the way a car looks they neglect to experience the cockpit in a through manner.

Where should you test

In many instances, such as buying new from a dealership the salesman will have a pre-planned area for test driving cars with potential customers. Many salesmen will hope that the test drive will sell the car even if they couldn’t talk you into buying. However this limits your experience because chances are the pre-planned route is flat and dull. When you consider that all walks of life test drive cars, they have to limit their liability. Read more

5 Ways NOT to buy a lemon

Let’s face it, buying a car can be just as much of a headache as selling one. Here we have compiled some tips which will guide you so you don’t end up paying into a money pit for years to come.

1. Do your research

Knowledge is power, so the more you know the better.


Generally people have an idea of what they need in an automobile. Narrow it down as far as you can before you begin; Do you need space for kids? Do you need to tow a boat? Once you have a distinct type in mind consider your brand options and eliminate any that don’t suit your specific needs. Read more

Tips to help anyone sell a car

It is not easy to sell a car and anyone who has attempted it can agree. There are many factors to take into consideration and it is not something to be entered into lightly. Here we have compiled some tips which will take a little of the sting out of trying to sell a car, and maybe even help you get top dollar.

Step 1: Background research

First and foremost it is important to do your homework, you need to know your market and you need to know your product. Consider who would be interested in buying your car or truck and advertise targeting that specific market. Research your local classifieds and consult the Kelly Blue Book for the average pricing of your same make and model. Knowledge is power and the more you know about your specific vehicle the easier it will be for you to sell it. Read more
